
【风园热点】:2022风园热点05-中国国家公园理念的源流与创新 | 建言献策

The following article is from 林业知识服务 Author 张德成

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 0.1 文章框架  | the article frame

 0.2 文章摘要   | abstract of the article

摘要传播先进的国家公园理念对促进国家公园建设工作、塑造国家公园的公众形象、发挥国家公园教育功能具有重要作用。为更好地认识并接受“坚持生态保护第一坚持国家代表性坚持全面公益性”的中国国家公园理念,文中梳理中国国家公园理念的渊源及发展过程,并与国外国家公园理念对比分析中国国家公园理念的创新性。研究认为:Abstract: Spreading the advanced concept of national parks plays an important role in promoting the construction of national parks, shaping the public image of national parks and giving play to the educational function of national parks. In order to better understand and accept China's national park concept of "ecological protection first, national representativeness and comprehensive public welfare", this paper combs the origin and development process of China's national park concept, compares it with foreign national park concept, and analyzes the innovation of China's national park concept. According to the study:
② 国家公园理念大致可分为多功能综合型自然生态保护型游憩利用型3种类型。
③ 与国外国家公园理念的对比,中国国家公园理念的创新性主要表现为:
① The development of national park concept in China is divided into three stages: conception discussion, pilot exploration, and formation and development.
② The concept of national park can be roughly divided into three types: multifunctional comprehensive, natural ecological protection and recreation.
③ Compared with foreign national park concepts, the innovation of China's national park concept mainly shows as follows:
1) Follow the concept of development in the new era;
2) In line with China's reality;
3) Adhering to the traditional Chinese thought of "Heaven, Earth and man";
4) The new concept of dominant collaboration.


The concept of national parks in China is in line with the general principles of the national park system in the world, but it has been fully integrated with the reality of China and has distinctive characteristics. Its development process and innovation characteristics are mainly manifested as "sinicization", which is a new concept applicable to the development of national parks in China. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the dissemination of the concept of national parks in China.


作者:张德成 夏恩龙 刘 畅 杨文娟 马一博 范圣明

Key words: National park, concept, forest and grass culture, China

Author: Zhang Decheng Xia Enlong Liu Chang Yang Wenjuan Ma Yibo Fan Shengming

 0.3 文章前言   | the article introduction


The concept of national park is a general summary of the characteristics and construction ideas of national park itself. The Overall Plan for the Establishment of a National Park System released in 2017 stipulates three principles for China's national parks: "Ecological protection first, national representativeness, and comprehensive public welfare". At present, there is still a lack of understanding of the formation process and innovation of this concept. This paper will analyze the innovation of China's national park concept by combing the origin and development process of China's national park concept, and comparing it with foreign national park concept. It is hoped that this will enlighten the readers on the cognition, recognition and attention of the concept of China's national park, and can actively spread the practice of this concept, promote the progress of the cause of national park, and reverse the negative situation of the poor development of China's national park.

国家公园 | National  Park





Since 1949, the concept of national parks in China has been changing with the passage of time. It has roughly experienced three stages: conception discussion, pilot exploration, formation and development.

 1.1 讨论构思阶段(1956—2005年)

 | Discussion and Conception Stage (1956-2005)

① 1956年,中国建立第1个自然保护区——广东鼎湖山国家级自然保护区

② 1982年,中国建立第1个国家森林公园——张家界国家森林公园
③ 1982年,国务院审定公布第1批国家级重点风景名胜区,共44处;
④ 2001年,建立第1批国家地质公园,共11家;

① In 1956, China established its first nature reserve, Dinghushan National Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province.

② In 1982, China established its first national forest park, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.

③ In 1982, The State Council approved and announced the first batch of national key scenic spots, a total of 44;

④ In 2001, the first batch of national geological parks was established, with 11 in total.

In addition, many national wetland parks, national mine parks and national water conservancy scenic spots have been established.


In these parks, scenic spots, the protected areas in the process of development and construction, some scholars found that the difference between foreign national park, and Europe and the United States national park in the developed countries carried out the study, draw lessons from its emphasis on natural geographical representation and ecosystem value degree, and the development of the landscape value experience, for China's scenic spots, forest park construction are proposed.

① 1987郝文康提出应在具有历史古迹及秀丽风景的名胜地区建立国家公园,这类地区主要供人们游览休养以及对青少年进行爱国主义和传统教育
③ 2005年李中晶等探讨了我国国家公园的建立标准和建立程序,建议从重点旅游景区中选择非常著名的、高级别的景区设立国家公园

Some studies think that scenic spots and national forest parks are national parks, and put forward some suggestions for local reform under the existing system. There are also studies proposing new national parks within the existing system:

① In 1987, Hao Wenkang proposed that national parks should be established in places of interest with historical sites and beautiful scenery, which are mainly for people to visit and recuperate, as well as for the education of patriotism and tradition among young people;

②In 1991, Yan proposed the construction of national parks in typical natural zones of ecosystems, habitats of rare animals and plants, well-preserved natural and historical sites, cultural heritages with a long history, and areas that are internationally valued and listed in international conventions. He also proposed that the tendency to overemphasize tourism should be avoided in the management of national parks.

③In 2005, Li Zhongjing et al. discussed the establishment standards and procedures of national parks in China, and suggested the establishment of national parks in famous and high-level scenic spots.

张家界国家森林公园 | Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

 1.2 试点探索阶段(2006—2016年)

 | Pilot Exploration Phase (2006-2016)

① 2006年,云南香格里拉普达措国家公园成立,宣布“三江流国家风景名胜区的有关地域为中国大陆的第1个国家公园”。

② 2008年,国家旅游局、环境保护部为中国第1个国家公园试点单位——黑龙江汤旺河国家公园授牌。此后,普达措、老君山、西双版纳等也开始了国家公园实践探索,并提出国家公园理念。例如,在普达措国家公园规划中提出“以保护、游憩和教育的理念为指导,结合生态旅游本土化”。
③ 2013年,《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》首次提出建立国家公园体制;
⑤ 2015年,13个中央部、委、局、办签发了《建立国家公园体制试点方案》,随着国家公园试点工作的实施,对国家公园理念有了更为直接的政策主张。

① In 2006, Yunnan Shangri-La Pudatuo National Park was established, and the relevant area of the Three Rivers National Scenic Area was declared as the first national park in  China.

② In 2008, the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Environmental Protection awarded the first national park pilot unit in China, Heilongjiang Tangwang River National Park. Since then, Pudatuo, Laojunshan and Xishuangbanna have also begun to practice and explore national parks, and put forward the concept of national parks. For example, in the plan of Pudatso National Park, it is proposed that "the concept of conservation, recreation and education should be guided, combined with the localization of ecotourism".

③ In 2013,The establishment of the national park system was first proposed in the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform.

④In 2014, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other relevant departments approved the establishment of a number of pilot national park construction;

⑤ In 2015, 13 central ministries, commissions, bureaus and offices issued the Pilot Program for Establishing a National Park System. With the implementation of the pilot program for national parks, more direct policies and propositions have been put forward for the concept of national parks.

At this stage, national parks become a new focus of multidisciplinary research. Pilot work in national parks, on the basis of some research and bold abandoned the pure concept of draw lessons from foreign research methods, has made a lot of research results, the research content covers a wide range, including both national park definition, properties, characteristics, importance, function, management goal, the basic problems such as construction plan, also include some local problems, It mainly focuses on the setting conditions, overall layout, scope and functional zoning of national parks, management institutions and modes, land tenure, resource and space protection and management, recreation, community participation in protection, public participation, volunteer mechanism, fund guarantee mechanism, legislation and policy guarantee, etc. 

Some scholars have also discussed the concept of national parks, and put forward some general proposals, some of which emphasize the construction of institutions and mechanisms, while others emphasize the dual functions. For example, Tang proposed that the national park should take "ecological environment, natural resources protection and moderate tourism development" as its basic strategy. In this stage, we mainly study the experience of foreign national park construction, and on this basis, we put forward some suggestions for reference to the concept of Chinese national park. For example, Cui Guangbin et al. advocated that the construction of national parks should learn from international experiences such as "government-led, multi-party participation, regional overall planning, regional management, separation of management and economic management, and franchise operation", while Tian Shizheng et al. believed that the core concept of "protecting the sustainable use of natural resources and providing recreation opportunities for people" of foreign national parks could be used for reference. These research results gradually support the clarity and strengthening of the concept of national parks in China, and have a more full grasp of the fundamental characteristics of national parks. Chen Yaohua et al. believe that public welfare, national dominance and scientific nature are the fundamental characteristics of national parks.

黑龙江汤旺河国家公园 | Tangwang River National Park in Heilongjiang Province

 1.3 形成发展阶段(2017—2022年)

 | Formation and development stage (2017-2016)

③ 2021年,第1批国家公园正式挂牌,国家公园理念将实质性地实践传播
①2017,General office of the central committee of the communist party of China, issued by the State Council general office on September 26, , the establishment of national park system overall scheme is put forward: "cultivate national park culture, the dissemination of national park concept, show" national park values, and in article 4 to that stipulated in the "correct set up the concept of national park" the idea of "three adhere to the" : "Ecological protection first, national representativeness, and comprehensive public welfare", which marks the official establishment of the concept of national parks in China. Following the release of the Master Plan for Establishing the National Park System, the construction of the national park system entered the substantive process of work. In 2018, the National Park Administration and individual local park administrations were established. 
② In 2019, the Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of a protected nature Area System with national parks as the main body were issued, which established three positions of national parks: "Establish national park in the leading position in the key areas to maintain national ecological security, to ensure that national park to protect the most precious, most important, the leading position of the biodiversity of determine national park conservation value and ecological function in the dominant position of national natural protected area system", reflects the concept of national park
③in 2021, the implementation of the direction The first batch of national parks will be officially listed, and the concept of national parks will be substantively practiced and spread.+


① 2018年,窦亚权等提出中国国家公园建设应秉承“创新协调绿色共享开放”5大发展理念;
② 2020年,唐芳林提出了建设“中国特色国家公园体制”,主张“遵循生态文明思想以生态保护为首要目标以自然资源资产管理为核心满足国民福祉需求、实现集中统一管理”,其中“生态文明思想”的提法具有中国国家公园特色;
③ 2021年杨锐就建立完善中国国家公园治理体系提出的64字方针,其中“人与天谐”“真善美生”“人融自然”等提法结合了中国传统文化特点。

At this stage, some studies explored the deepening and implementation of the concept of national parks.

① In 2018, Dou Yaquan et al. proposed that the construction of national parks in China should adhere to the five development concepts of "innovation, coordination, green, sharing and opening";

②in 2020,Tang Fanglin , puts forward the construction of "national park system with Chinese characteristics", advocating "follow the ecological civilization thought, ecological protection as priority, with natural resources assets management as the core, meet the demand of national welfare, implement centralized and unified management", "ecological civilization thought" of the formulation with China's national park characteristics;
③ In 2021, Yang Rui proposed a 64-character policy on the establishment and improvement of China's national park governance system, in which the concepts of "harmony between man and nature", "harmony between truth, goodness and beauty" and "harmony between man and nature" combined with the characteristics of Chinese traditional culture.

湖北神农架国家公园 | Hubei Shennongjia National Park




Because of the different natural, national and cultural conditions in the world, the idea of national park is put forward by a new reconstruction of discourse and knowledge production, and the expression of the power will of the governments, which leads to the differences in the idea of national park among countries. In the author'S opinion, the concept of foreign national parks can be roughly divided into three types: multifunctional comprehensive, natural ecological protection and recreational utilization.

 2.1 多功能综合型 

 | Multifunctinal and Comprehensive


It emphasizes that national parks are multifunctional complexes with natural ecological protection, cultural protection, recreation education and so on. It upholds the concept of national parks with both functions, but the distinction between primary and secondary functions is not obvious. Countries in this category include the United States, Canada, Russia, Sweden, South Korea, etc.

(1) 美国早期设立国家公园时的主导观念是“在‘无用’土地上建设公园,以保护并利用美丽的景观”
① 1832年美国乔治·卡特林认为,美国大平原应建立“崇高的公园”,他的构想是“一个国家公园,包含所有的野生植物与动物,以及自然美景的原始新面貌”。卡特林的观点一直备受推崇,他强调对自然及其携带文化的保护,这是国家公园设立的基本目标
② 随着美国黄石国家公园的设立,客观上形成了一种“自然朝觐”的社会活动。国家公园的理念因适应形势而增加了服务公众的意图,国家公园经营的多功能性凸显,20世纪30年代以来的美国国家公园园路国家景观大道的建设,实现了保障数以百万计的美国人能够在1d车程之内就抵达国家公园。
③ 理查德·福特斯用诗化语言归纳了现今美国国家公园精神:“大自然的孤岛、人类心灵的庇护所、可以拍照的美丽地方、人类向荒野的告白”,表达了国家公园兼备自然保护游览观光文化象征等功能的理念。
④ 美国国家公园管理局用一句话来描述自身的责任:“国家公园管理局保护国家公园系统的自然和文化资源以及价值观不受损害,以供今世后代享受并获得教育和鼓舞” ,表达了美国国家公园兼顾保护与利用、自然与人文、当代和后代的理念

(1) In the early days of the establishment of national parks in the United States, the dominant idea was to build parks on 'useless' land to protect and utilize beautiful landscapes.

① In 1832 George Catlin of the United States believed that the Great Plains of the United States should have a "sublime park". He conceived "a national park containing all the wild plants and animals, and the natural beauty of the original new look". Catlin's views have been highly regarded, emphasizing the preservation of nature and the culture that carries it, as a fundamental goal of national parks.

② With the establishment of Yellowstone National Park, a social activity of "natural pilgrimage" has been formed objectively. The idea of a national park has adapted to the situation by increasing its intention to serve the public. The versatility of national park operations has been highlighted. Since the 1930s, the construction of National Park Roads and National Scenic Drives has ensured that millions of Americans can reach a national park within a 1D drive.

(3) Richard Fortes used poetic language to summarize the spirit of today's national parks in the United States: "an isolated island of nature, a refuge for the human soul, a beautiful place where people can take photos, and a confession of humanity to the wilderness", expressing the idea that national parks are both nature protection, sightseeing, cultural symbols and other functions.

(4) the U.S. national park service in one sentence to describe own responsibilities, "the national park service to protect natural and cultural resources of national park system and values intact, for future generations to enjoy this life and access to education and encouraging", expressed both protection and utilization of America's national parks, nature and the humanities, the concept of the contemporary and future generations.

(2) 加拿大地多人少,具有大片自然保护地,其国家公园强调自然、探险、发现、独处等功能,以及这些功能的永久保持
① 加拿大的《National Parks System Plan》中用4个To来描述国家公园的性质,认为国家公园是to nature(进入自然)、to adventure(进入探险)、to discovery(进入发现)、to solitude(进入独处)的入门口
② 并使用3个To来描述政府对国家公园负有的经营责任:
To protect for all time representative natural areas(保护始终具有代表性的自然区域);To encourage public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of this natural heritage(鼓励公众了解、欣赏和享受这一自然遗产);To leave it unimpaired for future generations(让国家公园不受影响地世代传承)。

(2) Canada has a large number of people and a large number of protected natural areas. Its national parks emphasize the functions of nature, exploration, discovery and solitude, as well as the permanent maintenance of these functions.

① Canada's National Parks System Plan uses four "To" To describe the nature of National Parks. He considers the national park to be the gateway to nature, adventure, discovery and Solitude

(2) The government's responsibility for the management of national parks is also described.

To protect for all time representative natural areas. To encourage public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of this natural heritage (To encourage the public To understand, appreciate and enjoy this natural heritage); To leave it unpartly for future generations. The national park can be passed on unaffected.

(3) 俄罗斯国家公园是一个自然、历史文化综合体,其经营强调其综合性和服务功能的多样性。
① 国家公园的区域不但具有独特的自然生态景观,还要高度适合休养,具有极高的美学价值舒适的气候历史人文价值以及重要的民族意义
② 符合设立特别自然保护区域的地段均可设立国家公园,列入俄罗斯联邦民族文化遗产国家清单的文化遗产(历史文物古迹)也移交给国家公园管理机构统一管理。
③ 国家公园的主要目标任务是多样的,包括保护管理自然生态系统中独特而有代表性的景观保护历史文化景物开展公众生态教育创造协调休闲旅游所需条件制定和实施保护自然和生态教育的科学方法开展国家生态(环境)监测恢复破坏的自然和历史文化综合体
④ 例如,在Saylyugemsky National Park的介绍中就提出,不仅可以向你展示美丽的野生自然,还可以向你展示它的居民。

(3) Russian National Park is a natural, historical and cultural complex, and its management emphasizes its comprehensiveness and diversity of service functions.

① The area of national park not only has unique natural ecological landscape, but also highly suitable for recreation, with high aesthetic value, comfortable climate, historical and humanistic value and important national significance.

(2) National parks can be established in all areas that meet the requirements for the establishment of special natural protection areas. Cultural heritage (historical relics and monuments) listed in the state list of national cultural heritage of the Russian Federation are also transferred to the National Park Administration for unified management.

③ The main objectives and tasks of national parks are diverse, Including the protection and control in natural ecological system is distinctive and typical in landscape, the protection of historical and cultural landscape, to carry out the public ecological education, create the conditions needed for coordinated leisure tourism, formulate and implement scientific way to protect the natural and ecological education, to carry out the national ecological (environment) monitoring, restore natural and historical cultural syntheses of destruction.

④ For example, in the introduction of Saylyugemsky National Park, it is proposed to show you not only the beautiful wild nature, but also its inhabitants.

(3) 瑞典是欧洲最早建立国家公园的国家,瑞典国家公园必须代表独特的自然景观,未受到商业或工业污染并尽可能地接近自然状态,对于国家公园的经营,管理者会同时考虑自然保护可持续和公平利用及大众享受大自然美景的需要,在不破坏自然的情况下开展研究、康乐和旅游活动,为大众提供纯自然的原野景致。
(3) Sweden was the first country to establish a national park, the Swedish national park must represent a unique natural landscape, not subjected to commercial or industrial pollution and close to nature as possible, for national park management, managers will consider natural protection, sustainable and fair use and the public need to enjoy the beauty of nature, Research, recreation and tourism activities are carried out without damaging nature to provide the public with pure natural wilderness scenery.

(4) 韩国经历了经济快速发展时期,各行业向世界最高水平看齐的愿望强烈,同时又渴望回归自然。

ge the public To understand, appreciate and enjoy this natural heritage); To leave it unpartly for future generations. The national park can be passed on unaffected.

(3) Russian National Park is a natural, historical and cultural complex, and its management emphasizes its comprehensiveness and diversity of service functions.

① The area of national park not only has unique natural ecological landscape, but also highly suitable for recreation, with high aesthetic value, comfortable climate, historical and humanistic value and important national significance.

(2) National parks can be established in all areas that meet the requirements for the establishment of special natural protection areas. Cultural heritage (historical relics and monuments) listed in the state list of national cultural heritage of the Russian Federation are also transferred to the National Park Administration for unified management.

③ The main objectives and tasks of national parks are diverse, Including the protection and control in natural ecological system is distinctive and typical in landscape, the protection of historical and cultural landscape, to carry out the public ecological education, create the conditions needed for coordinated leisure tourism, formulate and implement scientific way to protect the natural and ecological education, to carry out the national ecological (environment) monitoring, restore natural and historical cultural syntheses of destruction.

④ For example, in the introduction of Saylyugemsky National Park, it is proposed to show you not only the beautiful wild nature, but also its inhabitants.

美国黄石国家公园 | TYellowstone National Park, USA

 2.2 自然生态保护型 

 | Natural ecological protection type


National parks emphasize the concept of nature protection, taking the protection of the original nature as the primary work of national parks, and emphasizing the position and function of national parks in the natural ecosystem from the perspective of management objectives and means. Countries in this category include Germany, France, New Zealand, Brazil, etc.

(1) 有深厚的森林文化情怀表现为对大自然的尊崇,其国家公园强调对原真自然的保护。德国国家旅游局在其网站中将德国的国家公园描述为Nature is king(自然为王)”,其解释是:16个国家公园保护着自然,展示了自然令人惊叹的表演,展现了自然所有的荣耀,让人体验未受破坏的乡村令人惊叹的动植物多样性让人发现自然世界的力量
(1) Germany has a deep forest culture, which is reflected in its respect for nature. Its national parks emphasize the protection of the original nature. The German National Tourism Board describes Germany's national parks as "Nature is king" on its website, explaining: The 16 national parks protect nature and put on an amazing show, showcasing nature in all its glory, allowing one to experience unspoilt countryside and amazing diversity of plants and animals, and discover the power of the natural world.

(2) 法国国家公园更强调自然的保护,认为国家公园是陆地和海洋的自然保护区,其被公认为是一类“特殊领土”,在国际上代表法国形象和身份,是一个探索自然和资源的地方
① 法国秉持整体的自然保护思想,国家公园作为自然保护对象,隶属于法国生物多样性办公室
② 对于国家公园经营手段非常强调自然保护,采取保护和恢复生物多样性的行动,如防止外来物种侵入、恢复森林、引入某些原生物种(如秃胡须秃鹰、山羊、海狸、海牛等)。
③ 对于国家公园与当地社区的关系,法国关于国家公园、自然海岸公园和区域自然公园的第2006-436号法例”提出建设生态共同体的核心理念

(2) French national parks emphasize more on the protection of nature, believing that national parks are nature reserves on land and sea, which are recognized as a kind of "special territory", representing the image and identity of France internationally, and being a place to explore nature and resources.

① France adheres to the overall idea of nature conservation. National parks, as nature protection objects, are subordinate to the French Biodiversity Office

(2) The management of national parks emphasizes nature protection and takes actions to protect and restore biodiversity, such as preventing invasive species, restoring forests, and introducing some native species (such as bald eagle, goat, beaver, manatee, etc.).

(3) Regarding the relationship between national parks and local communities, Law 2006-436 on national parks, natural Marine parks and regional natural Parks of France puts forward the core concept of building an ecological community.

(3) 新西兰是一个年轻的国度,1 000年前这里还没有人类居住,是拥有原始森林、巍峨高山和野趣海滩的处女地
① 新西兰国家公园建设强调其原始性,提出“100%纯净的新西兰”理念,14个国家公园展示了30 000多km2的多样自然景观。
② 保护自然遗产、森林、野生动物和景观,使其与人们来到这里之前的情况非常接近,渴望通过国家公园了解当地的“灵魂”,这里的灵魂应解释为当地本原的自然界

(3) New Zealand is a young country, uninhabited 1, 000 years ago, virgin land with virgin forests, lofty mountains and wild beaches.

① The construction of New Zealand national parks emphasizes its original nature and proposes the concept of "100% pure New Zealand". The 14 national parks show the diverse natural landscape of more than 30 000 km2.

② Protect the natural heritage, forests, wildlife and landscape, so that it is very close to the situation before people came here, eager to understand the local "soul" through the national park, the soul should be interpreted as the local nature.

(4) 巴西国家公园管理中,认为自然价值的保护高于其他任何目的,这一理念被写入《巴西联邦共和国宪法》,规定国家公园内所有的土地必须是公有的,政府须收购园区内的私有土地;国家公园的根本目标是保护重要的生态系统和景观,园区内虽然可开展科学研究、环境解说教育及自然游憩和生态旅游活动但是应有限制地开展,是否允许开展科研和游憩活动取决于各国家公园的管理计划和当地政府的规章制度。
(4) In the management of national parks in Brazil, the protection of natural values is considered above any other purpose. This concept is written into the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, which stipulates that all land in national parks must be publicly owned and the government must acquire private land in the parks. The basic goal of national park is to protect the important ecosystem and landscape, the park although interpretation can carry out scientific research, environmental education and recreation of the natural and ecological tourism activities, but should be limited to, whether to allow to carry out scientific research and recreation activities depends on the national park management plan and the rules and regulations of the local government.

德国萨克森小瑞士国家公园 | The Little Swiss National Park in Saxony, Germany

 2.3 游憩利用型 

 | Recreational use type

It emphasizes the service function of national parks for the public, and the protection of nature is only a means to ensure the sustainable use of national parks. Its construction goal is to give prominence to the functions of national parks such as sightseeing, leisure, environmental education and cultural edification. Countries in this category include the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Austria, etc.

(1) 英国几乎不存在美国那样的原真自然,其国家公园常选址于反映民族历史的人文景观,国家公园建设更重视对人的服务功能,在国家公园理念上强调提升公园服务水平以促进健康、创造性、自在等人的体验。英国国家公园管理局将国家公园理念确定为4个词:“Conservation、enhancement、sustainability、enjoyment(保护、提高、可持续性、享受)”,这既表达了国家公园自身特征,又表明国家公园的经营目标,并在其网站中宣传参与国家公园旅游会使人“more healthy, more creative, more at ease(更健康、更有创造力、更自在)”,这也表达了其服务大众的理想
(1) There is almost no original nature like that in the United States. Its national parks are often located in the cultural landscape reflecting national history. The construction of national parks pays more attention to the service function of people, and the concept of national parks emphasizes to improve the level of park services to promote people's experience of health, creativity and freedom. The UK National Park Authority defines the concept of a national park in four words: "Conservation, enhancement, sustainability, enjoyment (protect, improve, sustainability, enjoyment)" is enjoyment, which not only expresses the characteristics of the national park itself, but also shows its operating goal, It says on its website that participating in national park tourism makes people "more healthy, more creative, more at ease", which also expresses its ideal of serving the public.

(2) 日本人民自古就有野外游娱的传统习俗自然山林多为大众化的游览佳所
① 国立公园建立初期就被视作“健民地”,是国民身心锻炼的场所
② 日本环境省在国立公园网站的首页标出,“保存日本自然财富之地,让你踏上接触自然之旅”,提出国家公园的目的是“保护日本独特的自然遗址,并为子孙后代保存这些遗址,使他们能够体验到与我们这一代人一样的神奇和欢乐”。
③ 由于日本人多地少,国立公园中包含了多种土地利用方式和产权关系,因此在管理国家公园时考虑到当地居民的生活方式农林业条件,更强调基层社区的协同共享

(2) Since ancient times, the Japanese people have the traditional custom of outdoor tourism, and the natural mountains and forests are the best places for popular sightseeing.

National parks were regarded as "healthy places" and places for people to exercise their bodies and minds.

(2) the environment ministry marked in the national park website home page, "save Japan's natural wealth, let you the contact of natural journey", is the purpose of the proposed national park "to protect Japanese unique natural sites, and save the sites for future generations, enabling them to experience the same magic as our generation and joy".

(3) Due to the large number of people in Japan and the small amount of land, national parks contain a variety of land use patterns and property rights. Therefore, the management of national parks takes into account the lifestyle of local residents and the conditions of agriculture and forestry, and more emphasis is placed on the coordination and sharing of grassroots communities.

(3) 澳大利亚重视土著居民福利及生态环境的改善,其国家公园强调为“全体澳大利亚人”服务,以及循证管理、伙伴关系、生态可持续利用、快速响应管理等管理方法,澳大利亚国家公园局用一句话概括了国家公园的目的,即“保护、维护和提高供所有澳大利亚人使用和享有的联邦公园和花园的价值”。并提出4大工作途径:Evidence-based management(循证管理)、Ecologically sustainable use(生态可持续利用)、Partnerships and co-investments(伙伴关系和共同投资)、Responsive organisation(快速响应的组织)。
(3) Australia attaches great importance to the welfare of indigenous people and the improvement of the ecological environment. Its national parks emphasize the service for "all Australians", as well as management methods such as evidence-based management, partnership, ecological sustainable use and rapid response management. The National Parks Bureau of Australia summarizes the purpose of national parks in one sentence. That is, "to protect, maintain and enhance the value of Commonwealth parks and gardens for the use and enjoyment of all Australians". And put forward four major ways to work: Evidence-based management, Ecologically sustainable use, Partnerships and Co-investments (partnership and co-investment), Responsive Organisation (Responsive Organisation).

(4) 南非将国家公园确定为提供科学、教育、休闲以及旅游机会的区域,兼顾环境保护,并且使当地的经济得到发展。国家公园是保护地体系中的一部分,但在非核心管理业务方面积累了丰富的经验,兼顾生态保护生态旅游社区关系,三者权衡关系的处理非常棘手,常出现旅游增加而造成公园内行车道路过密,野生动物侵犯周边村庄等问题。由于各地面临的问题不同,南非国家公园实施了“略适应性管理”,以适应国家公园的差异和当地社区
(4) South Africa identifies national parks as areas that provide scientific, educational, leisure and tourism opportunities, taking into account environmental protection and local economic development. Part of the system of national park is a protected area, but the non-core business management has accumulated rich experience, ecological protection, ecological tourism and community relations, give attention to two or morethings relationship balance processing is very difficult, often appear tourism adept lanes pass through dense increase caused by the park, wildlife infringement problem such as the surrounding villages. Because of the different problems faced by different regions, South African national parks have implemented "strategic adaptive management" to adapt to the differences of national parks and local communities

(5) 奥地利的国家公园以地方管理为主、联邦协调为辅,探索自然保护方式多样化、自然教育体系化、赞助机制系统化,注重运营国家公园品牌。在2010年公布的国家公园发展战略中提出,加强国家公园和利益相关者之间的合作,要将国家公园深深地嵌入其所在地区经济发展格局,区域旅游局和奥地利旅游局对国家公园进行有效营销,要求国家公园区域内的企业应努力达到旅游生态标签的标准,国家公园还应在区域食品战略中发挥作用,每个国家公园都应由公共交通工具进入。在国家公园自然遗产保护中,像国家货币预算一样编制奥地利自然遗产资产负债表,以明确国家公园的对自然遗产的管理效果
(5) National parks in Austria mainly focus on local management, supplemented by federal coordination, explore diversified ways of nature protection, systematic nature education, systematic sponsorship mechanism, and pay attention to the operation of national park brand. In 2010 released by the national park is put forward in the development strategy, strengthening the cooperation between national parks and stakeholders, to national park deeply embedded in the region economy development pattern, the regional tourism and tourism Austria to effective marketing of national park, requires enterprises should make great efforts to achieve national park area tourism ecology label standard, National parks should also play a role in regional food strategies, and every national park should be accessible by public transport. In the protection of natural heritage in national parks, the balance sheet of natural heritage in Austria is prepared like the national monetary budget, so as to clarify the effect of the management of natural heritage in national parks.

英国诺桑伯兰国家公园 | Northumberland National Park, UK




① 生态保护第一,指国家公园的首要功能是保护,在所有的工作中坚持生态优先,保障生态安全和生物多样性是国家公园的主体工作,也是首要工作,杜绝一切有碍自然保护的利用方式和行为;
③ 全民公益性,指全民共享国家公园的游憩权决策权建设权知情监督权,要使全民能够感受国家公园自然之美,接受自然教育,促进当地社区发展。

(1) Ecological protection first, refers to the primary function of national parks is protection, adhere to the ecological priority in all work, to ensure ecological security and biodiversity is the main work of national parks, but also the primary work, put an end to all the use methods and behaviors that hinder natural protection;

(2) National representativeness refers to the selection and integration of national parks from various types of natural protected areas, representing the typical natural ecosystem and the best natural landscape in China, reflecting the national image and highlighting the Chinese civilization;

(3) Public welfare of the whole people means that the whole people share the right of recreation, decision-making, construction and informed supervision of national parks, so that the whole people can feel the natural beauty of national parks, receive natural education and promote the development of local communities.

Compared with the concept of foreign national parks, China's concept of national parks is innovative in The Times by following the general principles of the world's national park system and combining the practice and cultural characteristics of China's national parks.

 3.1 中国国家公园理念遵从新时代发展观

 | The concept national parks in china follows the outlook on development in the new era

(1) 新时代坚持“创新协调绿色开放共享”的发展理念,这是中国国家公园理念创新的导向统领

① “生态保护第一”就是落实“协调、绿色”理念,为协调保护与发展的矛盾提供基本方针,目标是促进绿色发展,建设生态文明

② “国家代表性”就是落实“创新”理念,国家公园是体制和机制的创新,国家代表性概括国家公园本体性质功能定位保护目标主导体制体现其前所未有的行业地位

③ “全民公益性”就是落实“开放、共享”理念,国家公园要构建高品质、多样化的生态产品体系,向全体人民开放,为公众提供亲近自然体验自然了解自然以及作为国民福利的游憩机会。

(2) 另外,中国国家公园理念是习近平生态文明思想在国家公园领域的体现,是落实绿水青山就是金山银山理念构建山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体建设美丽中国的思想体系中的有机组成部分。

(1) In the new era, we will adhere to the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", which is the guiding principle of the concept innovation of China's national parks.

(1) "Ecological protection first" is to implement the concept of "coordination and green", and provide the basic policy for coordinating the contradiction between protection and development. The goal is to promote green development and build ecological civilization;

(2) "National representativeness" refers to the implementation of the concept of "innovation". National park is the innovation of system and mechanism. National representativeness summarizes the nature, function orientation, protection goal and leading system of national park, reflecting its unprecedented position in the industry.

(3) "Public welfare" means to implement the concept of "openness and sharing". National parks should build a high-quality and diversified ecological product system, open to all people, and provide the public with recreational opportunities to get close to nature, experience nature, understand nature and serve as national welfare.

 3.2 中国国家公园理念符合中国现实情况 

 | The concept of national parks in china is linse with china "reality"


① 中国国家公园理念是针对中国所面临的实际问题而提出,中国在经济快速发展的同时,生态空间与生产空间仍然存在矛盾,人均生态产品匮乏,森林覆盖率和单位面积蓄积量均不及全球平均水平,生物多样性保护等工作面临许多挑战,鉴此提出“生态保护第一”理念

② 中国在全球生态治理中发挥了重要作用,在生态文明建设中成就卓著,但缺乏集中反映这些成就的国家样本,中国地大物博,生态系统多样,自然遗产众多,自然保护地范围广,但仍缺乏反映全国自然生态特点的名片,鉴此提出“国家代表性”理念


The concept of national parks in China is based on Chinese practice. The practical experience of China's forestry work since 1949, especially in the construction of nature reserves, scenic spots, natural heritage and forest parks, has provided lessons for the innovation of the concept of national parks. The pilot work of national parks in recent years is the direct practical basis for the concept.

(1) the Chinese national park concept is based on the practical problems facing China and put forward, at the same time of rapid economic development in China, ecological space and production space still exist contradictions, lack of per capita ecological products, forest coverage rate and volume per unit area is less than the global average, biodiversity protection work face many challenges, as a result put forward the concept of "ecology first".

(2) China has played an important role in the global ecological management, accomplished in the construction of ecological civilization, but the lack of samples reflected the achievements of these countries, China is humongous, ecosystem diversity, numerous natural heritage, natural protected area is wide, but still reflect the lack of natural ecological characteristics of the nation's business card, as a result put forward the concept of "national representative".

(3) China is a socialist country, but the system and mechanism for all people to share the fruits of development still need to be improved, so we put forward the concept of "public welfare for all".

 3.3 中国国家公园理念秉承中国传统“天地人”三才思想

 | The concept of China‘s national parks adhere to the traditional chineseconcept of "heaven, Earth and man"


① 中国国家公园理念中充分表达了天、地、人3大要素,“生态保护第一”理念指向自然生态系统,即所谓“天”

The thought of "Heaven, Earth and Man" is a basic proposition in Chinese traditional culture. It holds that heaven, earth and man are the three elements of the universe, which should be coordinated and connected as a whole to achieve the harmony of the three talents in order to achieve the benign development of things. The theory of "three talents" has become the program of the construction of Chinese traditional society. People are used to describe this state in the popular language of natural time, geographical location and people, which reflects the organic and unified view of nature in traditional China.

(1) The concept of national parks in China fully expresses the three elements of heaven, earth and man. The concept of "ecological protection first" points to the natural ecosystem, namely "heaven";

(2) The concept of "national representativeness" points to the material carrier of the country and national park, namely "land";

(3) The concept of "public welfare for all" refers to the whole people, namely "people".

Combining the three concepts to form a unified national park concept, expressing the Chinese traditional philosophy of being in good time, favorable location and gathering people, which is not found in foreign national park concepts.

 3.4 中国国家公园理念是主导协同的新型理念 

 | The concept of national parks in china is a new concept of leading and coordinating 

(1)  中国国家公园理念基本上属于多功能综合型理念,但在阐述多种功能综合发挥的同时,还强调了生态保护的首要地位,认为自然生态系统是首要经营对象,自然生态功能是首要功能,生态保护是首要经营手段。

① 如果自然生态系统经营不善,则不能很好地体现国家代表性,不能高质量地实现全面公益性,因此生态保护第一的提法抓住了基础和重点

② 同时,中国国家公园理念还重视“国家代表性”“全民公益性”,国家代表性是指国家公园本底资源的代表性,如果生态保护对象没有国家代表性,则会偏离国家公园建设宗旨,全民享有的生态福利也会降低层级。全民公益性明确了国家公园的服务对象,如果不考虑为人服务,则走入为生态而生态的片面自然生态价值观,如果不考虑为全体人民服务,又何谈其为社会主义国家的代表。

(2)  因此,生态保护第一、国家代表性、全民公益性之间具有缜密的逻辑关系,是协同互利关系,这种协同是以生态保护为主导,兼顾了自然利益国家利益人民利益,体现了主导协同机制,这是国外国家公园理念中没有体现出来的,可以说,中国国家公园理念是一种新型的国家公园理念

(1) The concept of national parks in China is basically a multifunctional and comprehensive concept, but it also emphasizes the primacy of ecological protection while elaborating the comprehensive play of various functions. It considers that natural ecosystem is the primary business object, natural ecological function is the primary function, and ecological protection is the primary business means.

(1) If the natural ecosystem is not well managed, it will not be able to well reflect the national representation and achieve comprehensive public welfare with high quality. Therefore, the concept of ecological protection first captures the basis and key points.

(2) At the same time, the concept of national parks in China also attaches importance to "national representativeness" and "public welfare". National representativeness refers to the representativeness of the background resources of national parks. If the object of ecological protection is not national representativeness, the purpose of national park construction will be deviated, and the ecological welfare enjoyed by the whole people will be reduced. The public welfare of the people defines the objects that national parks serve. If they do not consider serving people, they will enter into the one-sided natural ecological values of ecology for the sake of ecology. If they do not consider serving all the people, how can they be a representative of a socialist country?

(2) The first as a result, ecological protection, national representative, with rigorous logic relationship between the public welfare, is cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship, this synergy is based on ecological protection, combining the natural interests, national interests, the interests of the people, embodies the dominant collaborative mechanisms, this is not reflected in national park concept abroad, so to speak, The concept of Chinese national park is a new concept of national park.




(1) 中国国家公园理念从孕育到确立分为3个阶段
① 早期一方面是为解决已有公园体制下的问题来借鉴国外国家公园理念,另一方面研究新建国家公园体制,该时期对于我国国家公园的建立还在讨论酝酿,因此理念研究主要阐述国外国家公园理念以及我国国家公园设立标准
② 2006年以后,我国开始国家公园体制试点,探索在借鉴国外国家公园理念的基础上,结合试点经验提出中国化的国家公园理念
③ 2017年“三个坚持”的中国国家公园理念正式提出,此后研究热点是对理念的阐释及落实理念的实践举措,进一步丰富了理念的内涵和实施途径。

(1) The concept of national parks in China is divided into three stages from incubation to establishment.

(1) On the one hand, to solve the problems under the existing park system, the concept of foreign national parks was used for reference, on the other hand, the new national park system was studied. During this period, the establishment of national parks in China was still under discussion and brewing, so the concept research mainly elaborated the concept of foreign national parks and the establishment standards of national parks in China.

(2) After 2006, China began to pilot the national park system, and explored how to put forward the concept of national park in China based on the concept of foreign national parks and the pilot experience.

(3) In 2017, the concept of "three principles" for national parks in China was formally put forward. Since then, the research hotspots are the interpretation of the concept and the practical measures to implement the concept, which further enriches the connotation and implementation approaches of the concept.

(2) 通过对国外14个国家国家公园理念的研究
① 发现国家公园理念是国家公园管理中一种常用的行政工具,各国常根据本国的自然、民族及文化特点提出创新性的、多样化的国家公园理念
② 国外国家公园理念大致可分为多功能综合型自然生态保护型游憩利用型3种类型。

(2) Through the study of the concept of national parks in 14 foreign countries

① It is found that the concept of national park is a common administrative tool in national park management. Countries often put forward innovative and diversified national park concepts according to their natural, ethnic and cultural characteristics.

(2) The concept of foreign national parks can be roughly divided into three types: multifunctional comprehensive, natural ecological protection and recreation.

(3) 通过与国外国家公园理念的对比,中国国家公园理念的创新性主要表现为从新时代发展观符合中国现实情况秉承中国传统“天地人”三才思想是主导协同的新型理念

(3) By comparing with foreign national park concepts, the innovativeness of China's national park concept is mainly manifested as following the concept of development in the new era, conforming to the reality of China, adhering to the traditional Chinese thought of "heaven, earth and man", which is a new concept of dominance and coordination.

China national park concept is to draw lessons from foreign experience, in line with the general principles of the national park system in the world, but after decades of research and the 10 years of trial practice, has been fully combined with China's actual, with distinctive features, its development process and innovative characteristics of the concentrated expression is "Chinese style", is the development of the national park of China will be applied to new ideas.

(4) 应坚定不移地树立并传播“坚持生态保护第一坚持国家代表性坚持全面公益性”理念,推进中国国家公园的各项工作开展。对于传播中国国家公园理念,提出如下建议
① 进一步解读国家公园理念内涵,依据理念解释社会舆论关切问题,推动形成社会共识
② 加大宣传力度,提升宣传效果。建议以权威媒体公益广告、典型公园宣传片、公园基础设施、解说系统、重大展览展演宣传活动等为主要传播渠道。
④ 将国家公园理念与国家公园建设工作紧密结合,渗透到管理工作的全过程,以理念指导建设规划、森林经营、公园运营等各项工作
⑤ 将国家公园理念写入未来可能制定的相关法律法规

(4) We should unswervingly establish and spread the concept of "ecological protection first, national representativeness and comprehensive public welfare", and promote the development of various national parks in China. To spread the concept of national parks in China, the following suggestions are put forward:

(1) Further interpret the connotation of the concept of national parks, explain the concerns of public opinion according to the concept, and promote the formation of social consensus.

(2) Increase publicity and improve publicity effect. It is suggested that authoritative media public service advertisements, typical park propaganda films, park infrastructure, interpretation systems, major exhibitions and promotional activities should be the main communication channels.

(3) Carry out in-depth learning and understanding activities within the national park system, so that the concept of national park becomes a code of conduct, a value criterion, and a group consciousness of all national park managers.

(4) The concept of national parks should be closely combined with the construction of national parks, infiltrating into the whole process of management work, guiding the construction planning, forest management, park operation and other work with the concept.

⑤ Include the concept of national parks in relevant laws and regulations that may be enacted in the future.

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First author: Zhang Decheng, male, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, PhD, associate researcher, research interest covers forestry history and traditional forestry, E-mail: zdc@caf.ac.cn, Tel: 13661305075.

Corresponding author: Xia Enlong, male, born in Tieling, Liaoning Province, PhD, associate researcher, research direction: Green economic development, E-mail: xiaenlong@163.com, Tel: 13810093643. Source: World Forestry Research, Institute of Forestry Science and Technology Information, Chinese Academy of Forestry, No.3, 2022

中国普达措国家公园 | Pudatso National Park, China

中国祁连山国家公园 | Qilian Mountains National Park, China

中国三江源国家公园 | Sanjiangyuan National Park, China





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